mindfulness for beginners

Understand the concept of mindfulness and how to use mindfulness techniques to manage your time effectively and combat stress.

Our e-learning allows you to focus on your personal and professional development, wherever you are. Each course is broken down into easy to manage sections so you can work through them in your own time, at your own pace.

Our e-learning courses are open to everyone with a my caba account.

An introduction to the foundations of mindfulness. Learn how mindfulness techniques can help you manage stress, anxiety or depression. Discover how living mindfully can improve your concentration, boost your energy levels and help you find more joy in everyday life.

what's this course about?

Through self-reflection, interactivity and guided practice, this online course will introduce you to the foundations of mindfulness and its many applications in everyday life that with regular practice will enable you to:

  • improve your mental and physical health
  • manage stress in the workplace or at home
  • manage the symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • improve your concentration and energy levels

This course is made up of 3 modules and will take 20 - 30 minutes to complete. The modules can be completed in your own time, at your own pace. If you don't have time to complete all 3 modules at once, you can always come back to the same place when you next log in.

module 1:

  • what is mindfulness?
  • how does mindfulness work?
  • how can mindfulness help you?

module 2:

  • why we need to practice mindfulness
  • how to use mindfulness for optimum performance

module 3:

  • how to use mindfulness to overcome life's challenges

what will you get out of it?

This online course will teach you some simple mindfulness practices for you to use in everyday life to help you manage stress and improve your concentration and energy levels.

after completing this course you will be able to

  • identify and define what mindfulness is
  • recognise how practicing mindfulness can make positive changes to the way your brain works
  • utilise mindfulness to reduce stress, increase wellbeing, manage emotions and enhance performance
  • recognise how mindfulness can be incorporated into everyday simple activities

is this course for you?

Our mindfulness for beginners online course is ideal for anyone who wants to achieve a higher level of personal effectiveness.

Please note: This online course is an introduction to mindfulness and offers a taster of various mindfulness practices. It may not be considered suitable at this time for those affected by acute depression, active or recent substance (alcohol or drug) addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder, Bi-polar disorder, current or past psychosis, significant long standing interpersonal difficulties (e.g. currently meeting the criteria for a personality disorder), by recent trauma, significant loss such as divorce, bereavement or unresolved grief reaction.

If you're affected by any of these conditions and the course is not for you, there are many other ways in which we can support you. To find out more please contact us.